About YataBox

Our Goals, Beliefs and who we are

Our Goals, Beliefs and Who we are

Our goal is to amke sure you smile in any examination and we are putting every resources to make sure you get the best of smiles, we believe in the voision and principles of our parent brand; yatice






our smiles at yatabox

Who We Are

Meet the team working together to ensure that you have the best of smiles.

Tolulope Ogundiji
Tolulope Ogundiji Co-Founder,CEO & CTO

Stretch yourself! alway know that experience is exam first then the lesson.

Dolapo Babatunde
Dolapo Babatunde Team Lead; Android Development

Never say never. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.

Omotayo Olaiya
Omotayo Olaiya Team Lead; Marketing and Sales

Since it is all so meaningless, I might as well be extraordinary.